We’re almost halfway through our final school year, and our first lot of exams are just around the corner. It’s incredible to see how far we’ve come, and how little time there is before we will be saying goodbye for the last time as we leave the school gates.

I remember sitting in form this time in Year 7, and thinking that there is so much time until I graduate. It’s going to be a slog to get from Year 7 to Year 12. Yet, I’m standing here, in Year 12, and I can’t believe where all the time has gone. Yes, this is something that every Year 12 says, but it rings true every single day that passes when I’m scrambling to find that time again.

Unpopular opinion: the day in the life of a Year 12 student is actually kinda fun. Throughout high school, you look forward to Year 12 because it is the year that you graduate. I wish that I had looked forward to high school because of the unshakable bonds that you make with your teachers and your peers. I can say for myself that I have never laughed so hard or smiled so much during school as I have this year. And between food and warm hugs and jokes, how can you not crack a smile with your ever-patient ATAR teachers.

Granted, it has been tough. With non-stop study everyday and deadlines hanging over our head like a swarm of irritating flies that you can’t swat, it’s hard not to hide under a blanket and escape for a few hours after a long day of school with a good TV show or a nice book. But, determination gets the better of us — you get out from underneath that blanket, grab a strong cup of tea and a nice chocolate, and you get to work, because in the end, this year is the most important year of your high school career.

On behalf of every Year 12 student here at MBC, we thank you — staff, teachers, parents, friends — who have been there for every step of the way, helping us and making us laugh. We thank you for buying us food, giving us a shoulder to cry on, and guiding us towards our goals.

Thank you for getting us half-way.

One more half to go.

Let’s go, Class of 2021!

Written by Hannah Inwood, Year 12 Student