Parent involvement at school benefits their children!

In today’s world when often both parents work and the demands on their time are increasing, it can be difficult to be actively involved in their child’s education.

However the reality at Mandurah Baptist College is that we are actually blessed by a great parent community who regularly get involved in their child’s education. Here are some of the positive outcomes researchers have found are encouraged when parents take an active interest in their child’s school and education.

Involvement fosters academic achievement: Countless studies have found that students perform better in school when their parents are involved with their schoolwork. Students with involved parents get better grades. Parent involvement in school-based activities seems to have the greatest effect on children’s grades.

School attendance improves: Students whose parents are involved with their schoolwork attend school more regularly. This probably occurs for a number of reasons. For one, parents who are involved typically value school highly and encourage consistent attendance. Secondly, students who get help from parents tend to feel more academically competent, so they are less likely to avoid going to school. Also parent involvement improves students’ attitudes about school. Children value what their parents value.

Students whose parents are involved in their school have better behaviour: Behaviour issues often increase during the tween years (ages 8-12). This is because during these ages a child’s stage of cognitive development increasingly leads them towards risk taking behaviour. Parental attention can help to head off many of these behaviour issues. Children with involved parents have lower rates of substance use and delinquent acts compared to students whose parents are uninvolved. In addition, students behave better and less aggressively in the classroom when their parents are involved with their education.

Mental health is better with parent involvement: Finally, students with involved parents have better mental health than children whose parents do not get involved with their education. Parent involvement in education fosters a child’s self-esteem. Children with involved parents also have enhanced skills for regulating their emotions and feel negative emotions less. All in all, when parents choose to become involved with their child’s education, they benefit not only in the classroom but far beyond it.

Thank you MBC parents! Keep up your great interest and involvement in your child’s education and enjoy the benefits of doing so!

Rob Gratton

Principal – Primary School